Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nigi Nigi Boracay

Nigi Nigi Boracay Beach Resort and Hotel is a deluxe accommodation built with Polynesian style architecture. They only have 20 rooms to ensure personalized service. 
They offer conveniences such as WIFI and a massage center. Nigi Nigi is a PADI dive resort so they can arrange water activities for you. The resort's beachfront restaurant and sunset beach bar transform into a favorite nightspot of foreigners and locals alike. Enjoy the island's nightlife only at Nigi Nigi.
First person to leave a comment gets a special gift from Tuggy's Travel!


  1. WIFI? That's really nice. I can bring my work while having a vacation.

  2. Hi Boracay Hotels! You get a special discount at Nigi Nigi! Email us at for details.

  3. Wow... I missed that "First person to leave a comment gets a special gift from Tuggy's Travel!" part...
    Am I lucky? How long before this offer will end? I have a tight schedule lately, I even have to work during Sundays T_T
    Is this transferable?
